Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Big News

Well, I peed on a stick (actually 5) and it's official I'M PREGNANT! I had a blood test today to confirm and check to see if my HCG hormones are at the right level. I won't get the results until tomorrow, but I guess I just couldn't wait to tell you all. It seems appropriate that I began reading this weekend for the 2nd year class at USM and as I was sitting there basking in the awesome energy and reading a particularily amazing Self-Counseling paper, I felt some strange activity in my uterus and I'm certain that is when the implantation happened. The next leg of the journey has begun. I don't really feel much different yet except that I was in the prepared foods section of Whole Foods and a smell there really hit me and made me a little nauseous (although that can happen regardless). I know I have ages to go, but I have already been calling Kaiser to check on my coverage and health insurance benefits. I know I'm not actually out of the wood, but I feel like Spirit is fully supporting me on my journey, however that unfolds. Thanks for reading and supporting. I love you.


  1. Yay!!! Congrats!!! Sending good vibes! ~Erik

  2. Kathryn!!! I am so excited and happy for you. Light ahead, I am sending you lots and lots of loving from this end of our world!!

  3. Knowing everything is happening for your highest good! Love you big time. xx
