Monday, April 6, 2009

Babies genders revealed!

I am definitely feeling better these days. Still tired a lot, but the morning sickness is SIGNIFICANTLY decreased. I think I'm growing inches daily! At least that's what it feels like.

Oh I forgot to mention I found out the sexes of the babies. It's a boy and a girl!!!!! Yea! Exactly what I wanted and hoped for. The girl is snuggled up inside of me so she's a little harder to see during the ultrasounds, but the boy seems to be located on the outer right side of my belly. I haven't really felt any kicking yet, but I do feel it when the boy stretches out and presses against the outer side of me. It's very strange and wonderful. I'm feeling more and more connected to them everyday.

I had my amniocentesis a few weeks ago and everything came out beautifully. They are both normal and healthy. Today I had my second trimester ultrasound and again everything looked good. The only concern my perientologist had was that the umbilical cord for my girl is attached to the edge of the placenta not the center. He said this could inhibit normal growth and would have to be watched carefully. But, he didn't seem too concerned.

I'm starting to get a handle on all the stuff I am going to need and angels everywhere are coming out of the woodwork and giving me furniture, clothes and advice (all welcomed). The nesting instinct is really coming on full force and my apartment is starting to come together too.

I am really missing all of you and wish we could be together again. I am so grateful for having the opportunity to read for the 2nd year class every month. Being in the energy field is such nourishment for us.

Love and light to everyone!